Personal Preparedness
Follow the basics of emergency preparedness planning.
We know…”you’ll cross that bridge when you come to it.”
Disasters may not happen at a time that is convenient for you. Life as you know it can be swept away in an instant, so being prepared matters…for you, your loved ones, neighbors, and community. At the very least, follow the basics of emergency preparedness planning:
- Get a kit of emergency supplies – Consider the needs of all family members and pets, too. Keep supplies in a handy ready-to-go kit that you can use at home or take with you if you have to evacuate.
- Make a plan – Discuss how you will communicate with your family. Choose an out-of-area emergency contact person. Practice plans for evacuation and what to do if you are separated.
- Be informed – Know what disasters are common to your area and prepare for them. Check with your local Emergency Management Director for town-specific plans. Listen to local media for official instructions. NDDH will also use the News page of our website to post official information during public health emergencies.
- Get involved – Take action to help your community prepare. Join the Northeast CT Medical Reserve Corps, a local Certified Emergency Response Team, or your town Fire/Emergency Medical Services.
Disasters can be life altering. Preparedness can be life saving.
Plan now so you don’t find yourself up the creek without a paddle.
Click here for more emergency preparedness resources.

Download the Red Cross Ready Checklist.
Get alerts wherever you are with the CT Alert Emergency Notification System Citizen Sign Up.