Coronavirus Disease 2019
The COVID-19 pandemic is over, but COVID is here to stay.
Learn how you can take steps to prevent it.
Where to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine
- – Enter your zip code and select the type of COVID-19 vaccine you want and the Vaccine Finder will provide you with a list of nearby vaccination sites.

Retail Pharmacies
These retail pharmacies often have COVID-19 vaccine available. Click the links below to visit their individual scheduling systems:
Your Immunization Records
Immunization records are now available online. The CT WiZ Public Portal allows individuals who were vaccinated in Connecticut to access their own immunization records and parents / guardians can access their child’s records. You have the option of getting a PDF copy of your full immunization record, or your COVID-19 vaccine record that contains your SMART Health card, which is a digital copy of your COVID-19 vaccine record that can be stored on your phone as a QR code. To access your records, visit
Important: If you are currently unable to access your record in the Public Portal, it is likely because it validates the information you enter against the information that was entered by your provider; if it doesn’t match exactly it will not provide the results you seek and you will need to fill out the following form to update your Portal profile details: Once your form has been completed your profile will be updated so that you may access your record through the Public Portal.
At-Home COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
At-home COVID-19 diagnostic tests can be purchased over-the-counter, without a prescription, at most local stores and online. They should be taken if you have reason to suspect a potential COVID-19 infection to help determine the best next steps.
At-home diagnostic tests have an expiration date, but many of them have been extended past the date originally printed on the box. For more information about your COVID-19 diagnostic test and expiration dates, follow this link:

Connecticut COVID-19 Data Resources
Data contained in the reports are preliminary and may be updated as new reports are received and data errors are corrected.
What You Can Do to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Illnesses
Practice Everyday Preventive Actions Now
Practice and remind others of the importance of using everyday preventive actions that can help prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
- Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue, and throw the tissue in a lined trash container. Cough into your sleeve if a tissue is not available. Do NOT cough into your hands.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Germs spread this way
- Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects daily
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This is especially important after going to the bathroom, before eating, after blowing your nose, and after being outside or in public spaces. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol and then wash your hands when you can.
- Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.
- Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink fluids, and eat nutritious foods.

NDDH thanks the countless community partners and public who worked together to weather the pandemic.
Thank you for putting your trust in us…and your continued partnerships to prevent illness, promote wellness, and
protect our communities.