POMFRET — As part of a continuing outreach initiative, Pomfret’s Loos & Company, Inc. recently donated $500 to the Northeast District Department of Health to aid their ongoing local public services.
Established in 1973, NDDH is a non-profit governmental organization that promotes wellness, prevents illness and protects the health of northeast Connecticut residents.
“Your gift is very much appreciated,” said NDDH Director of Health Sue Starkey. “Loos has always been a great partner and a responsible employer. You’ve always had the best interest of the employees in mind.”
The district services Pomfret, Putnam, Union, Woodstock, Thompson, Eastford, Hampton, Brooklyn, Killingly, Canterbury, Sterling and Plainfield. NDDH provides essential public health services that protect people and the environment. From education and inspections to coronavirus vaccination clinics, the health department serves as a resource for all.
Loos’s donation will be put to good use as NDDH continues to work toward improving the well-being of the community. Starkey said the organization is eager to do more educational work around important health issues.
More information about the Northeast District Department of Health is available at nddh.org.
At Loos & Co., supporting the local community has been a central mission of the company for over 60 years. The donation is the eighth such donation made by Loos & Co. this summer, and represents a continuation of the employee-driven community outreach efforts of the company.
“This donation is another one of our efforts to engage and help the community at large,” said Central Wire Industries Director of Corporate Marketing Robert Davis. “We’re donating to groups that advance the health and overall wellness of the areas in which we live and work.”
In total, $4,000 has been awarded this summer. Donations were recently given to the Danielson United Methodist Church Food Pantry, the Pomfret Community/Senior Center, the Danielson Veterans Coffeehouse, the Putnam Daily Bread Food Pantry, the Norwich St. Vincent de Paul Place, the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut’s Northeast Women & Girls Fund and the Willimantic Covenant Soup Kitchen.
Loos & Co., headquartered at 16B Mashamoquet Road in Pomfret Center and owned by Central Wire Industries, is the leader in the wire and cable industry. More information about Loos is available at loosco.com.