Brooklyn & Woodstock Fairs

General Information for Fair Food Vendors

All food vendors are required to obtain a Northeast District Department of Health (NDDH) Fair Permit. This permit must be displayed in a prominent location in your booth during the entire fair.

To obtain a permit, a completed Temporary Food License and Food Service Inspection Application must be submitted along with any applicable fees at least 2 weeks before the event (no exceptions). The District will now require a phone consultation prior to the event. All food vendors must also possess a current Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) certification or Food Awareness Safety Training (FAST) certificate.

Information on a free FAST class for each fair is available below. Submit a copy with your application and retain a copy to display in your booth.

Each Fair Permit is $190. Any applications or fees received after the deadline are subject to a $90 late fee. (August 6, 2025 for Brooklyn Fair and August 13, 2025 for Woodstock Fair)

Vendors must pay for separate permits if they have multiple booths.

In the event that the vendor does not pass an initial inspection, NDDH inspectors will make every effort to return within two hours for a second inspection. A re-inspection fee will be charged at the time of any re-inspections.

In order to sell soft serve ice cream at the fair, you must have a frozen dessert license from the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection. You may contact their main office by calling (860) 713-6160, emailing, or visiting

Please obtain this well in advance to avoid disruption of service during the fair.

We are happy to extend a professional courtesy to all U.S. Veterans by waiving one NDDH Fair Permit fee! The veteran must own and operate the concession. Veterans must submit a copy of their DD214 with their application.

Payment will be required for any additional booths.

Drop-off: NDDH Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm; Fridays 8:00 am  – noon.

We also have a blue drop box next to the front door where you can drop off permit applications and payment outside of our office hours.

Mail to: 69 South Main Street, Unit 4, Brooklyn, CT 06234
Email to: When emailing your application, you may also pay online at Municipay.

If you have questions regarding proper preparation and sanitation procedures, please contact a member of the NDDH Environmental Health staff at (860) 774-7350.


Brooklyn Fair – August 21 – 24, 2025

15 Fairgrounds Road, P.O. Box 410, Brooklyn, CT 06234
  1. Review the packet information in its entirety.
  2. Complete all necessary forms.
    • You can print the Temporary Food License and Food Service Inspection Application (in the packet), fill it out by hand, and mail or drop off to NDDH with the appropriate fees, OR
    • You can complete the fillable forms on your computer, save them to your device, and submit them via email to To electronically sign fillable forms, you must download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and use it to open the PDF. When submitting online, you can also pay your fees directly to NDDH via MuniciPAY.
    • You can also submit the fillable forms via email and send your payment via US mail or drop it off to NDDH. Make checks payable to: NDDH
  3. Complete the FAST class registration form (in the packet), if necessary, and submit with your permit application.

BROOKLYN FAIR Food Awareness Safety Training (FAST) Class will be held at the Brooklyn Fairgrounds on Thursday, August 21, 2025 from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm.

Check with Brooklyn Fair Concessions Department for exact location on fairgrounds. Registration for the FAST Class is contained in the fair packet.

Woodstock Fair – August 28 – September 1, 2025

Routes 169 & 171, South Woodstock, CT 06267
  1. Review the packet information in its entirety.
  2. Complete all necessary forms.
    • You can print the Temporary Food License and Food Service Inspection Application (in the packet), fill it out by hand, and mail or drop off to NDDH with the appropriate fees, OR
    • You can complete the fillable forms on your computer, save them to your device, and submit them via email to
    • To electronically sign fillable forms, you must download Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and use it to open the PDF. When submitting online, you can also pay your fees directly to NDDH via MuniciPAY.
    • You can also submit the fillable forms via email and send your payment via US mail or drop it off to NDDH. Make checks payable to: NDDH
  3. Complete the FAST class registration form (in the packet), if necessary, and submit with your permit application.

WOODSTOCK FAIR Food Awareness Safety Training (FAST) Class will be held at the Woodstock Fairgrounds on Thursday, August 28, 2025 from 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm.

Check with Woodstock Fair Concessions Department for exact location on fairgrounds. Registration for the FAST Class is contained in the fair packet.

Proper food handling is the responsibility of all food vendors at the fair. For the sake of thousands of fairgoers, we urge you to strive for the highest standards of excellence. We are here to help you achieve the goal of making everyone’s experience at the fairs a safe and tasteful experience for all.