While No Human Cases of EEE so far this Season, Detections of EEE-carrying Mosquitoes in this Area Remain High as We Near End of Mosquito Season
(HARTFORD) — While the end of mosquito season is approaching, and there have been no cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in humans so far this season, the risk-level in the eastern part of the state for EEE virus remains elevated. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP)’s Mosquito Management Program will be conducting spraying today in an area of Eastern Connecticut where mosquitoes containing EEE have continued to be detected at high levels, part of steps the program takes to minimize the potential for spread of the virus to humans.
The Mosquito Management Program will be spraying for mosquitoes carrying EEE in the Mt. Misery-area of Pachaug State Forest this afternoon. Entrances to the State Forest will be closed beginning at 2 p.m. today, and the forest and nearby roads will be closed for the evening, re-opening at 8 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 29.
Read the full press release here: https://portal.ct.gov/Mosquito/Press-Room/2023-Press-Releases/DEEP-Mosquito-Management-Program-to-Spray-for-Mosquitoes–in-Mt-Misery-Area-of-Pachaug-State-Forest