Welcome to NDDH

The Northeast District Department of Health has been preventing illness, promoting wellness, and protecting public health in northeast Connecticut since 1973. Here you will find a wealth of information designed to educate, empower, and assist you.

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What we do, for you.

Food Services

Foodborne illness sickens millions and causes thousands of hospitalizations and deaths each year. NDDH works through education and enforcement to reduce these risks.

  • FDA Food Code
  • Food service forms
  • Food recalls
  • Food safety classes & training
  • Proper food handling
  • Water emergencies at food establishments

Environment & Building

Responsible development is built on public health. Information and applications for building permits, additions, wells, septic systems, and other environmental services are found in this section.

  • Building & construction
  • Complaint investigations
  • Wells & septic systems
  • Inspections
  • Lead poisoning prevention
  • Healthy Homes

Community Health

Disease prevention is a primary goal of public health. Learn how NDDH combats chronic illness, promotes healthy lifestyles, and helps you reduce your risk of getting sick.

  • A-Z health topics
  • Communicable disease prevention
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Needs assessment data
  • Prevention programs – Fall prevention, oral health, substance misuse, heart health, and Vial of Life

Emergency Preparedness

Being prepared for all kinds of emergencies can make all the difference in your world. Whether you’re an individual, a business, or an entire community, be in the know and ready to go.

  • Emergency planning
  • Medical Reserve Corps volunteers
  • Pandemic and All-Hazards planning
  • Personal preparedness
  • Whole community approach

Recent Posts

“The greatest wealth is health.

– Virgil, Roman Poet, 70 BC – 19 BC

Partnerships in Prevention

Medical Reserve Corps
Connecticut Trail Finder